
A.     Background Information

a.      Kelly Sandoval

b.      Science

c.      Chemical Reactions

d.      8th Grade

B.     Goals and Objectives

a.      TEKS (8.5) Matter and Energy. The student knows that matter is composed of atoms and has chemical and physical properties.

b.      Students should be able to:

(E) Investigate how evidence of chemical reactions indicates that new substances with different properties are formed.

C.     Pre-Assessment related to TEKS and Objectives

a.      Students have already been taught about chemical properties and reactivity of elements from the periodic table.

b.     Students have been assessed through homework, discussions, bell and exit activities and tests

D.     Procedures

a.      Bell Ringer: Questions from TAKS

b.     Demonstrate and explain to the class each step of the lab activity  

c.      Pass out box lids containing lab activity supplies to each group while reminding students of lab safety

d.     Work each step of the activity with the class. This is to insure everyone stays on track and the entire lab is completed by the end of class.

e.      Discuss answers throughout lab.

f.       After Lab and clean up, have students explain what they just learned through class discussion.

E.      Assessment

a.      Completion of lab worksheet

b.     Exit Card if time permits: Balance this equation: Ca Cl2 + 2NaHCO3

c.      Class will be assessed next class period through bell ringer

d.     End of unit formal test

F.      Re-teach

a.      Mrs. Lower will review the class about the lab next class period and build onto this knowledge with types of chemical reactions.

G.     Extensions

a.      I could have the more advanced students perform two other labs mixing and observing the reaction of other ingredients of their choice (and that are safe).

H.     Modifications: Modifications for the lab would be to provide already prepared Ziplock bags to special needs students and provide starter lines in the observation portions. Example is: I see…, I smell…, I feel…, I hear this happening.  








Write at least 5 observations of the ingredients in the Ziploc bag.





Using the pipette, place 1 drop of Phenol Red solution on the CaCl2 (Calcium Chloride) side of the bag.

Describe what happens.





Using the pipette again place 1 drop of Phenol Red solution on the NaHCO3 (Baking Soda) side of the bag.

Describe what happens.





Now mix the two ingredients together and describe what happens.





1.    What were the reactants in this activity?




2.    What was the product?






3.    What are the evidences that a chemical reaction has occurred?




4.    Which part of the reaction was exothermic/endothermic? Justify your answer.










Formal Observation

Candidate:  Kelly Sandoval

Cooperating Teacher: Angie Lower

School/Subject/Grade: Carter Jr. High/Science/8th Grade

Date: December 7, 2010


Cluster 1: Learner-Centered Knowledge and Instruction

1.a. Knowledge of subject content and effective pedagogy.

Describe your preparation for this particular topic/concept.


·       Mrs. Lower suggested for me to conduct a lab activity for my evaluation and she had a particular one in mind she wanted the students to do. Mrs. Lower was wanting to conduct the lab activity on a day I was going to be present anyways and I thought what better way to catch the students attention and engage with them in their learning than an hands-on activity.

Cooperating Teacher/Field Supervisor Response:

·       Kelly was prepared for the lab.  She prepared the lab sheet and questions.

1.b. Demonstrated relationships with students.

Describe greeting and hook for learning:


·       Just telling the students they are going to do a lab gets them excited. Anything is better than sitting and listening to lecture. Mrs. Lower and I will also demonstrate the steps of lab for them.  

Cooperating Teacher/Field Supervisor Response:

·       Kelly introduced the lab and did a demonstration step by step for students.  This was very helpful for ESL students. 



Use of student names and other ways that demonstrate relationship:


·       I have been working hard to learn names with faces and I try to say names when I’m calling on the student. I also use names when trying to get their attention and when I walk around room checking work and lecturing.

Cooperating Teacher/Field Supervisor Response:

·       Kelly has already memorized many of the student’s names and calls on them by name.  She has developed a rapport with my students and they look forward to seeing her.

Describe specific differentiated instruction strategies to accommodate learning needs:


·       Through the lab students can choose to be the writer or the experimenter based on what they feel better at doing. I also decided to go work with the class step by step rather than letting them loose so this way I can see how everyone is grasping the information and catch any confusion early.  

Cooperating Teacher/Field Supervisor Response:

·       Kelly first demonstrated the lab step by step, then she worked through the lab with them asking questions and helping those who were in need.

What learning strategies will be employed to engage and connect students?


·       This lab activity relates to visual, kinesthetic and auditory learners. Students will see, touch and conduct the experiment while speaking and listening to discussions regarding observations and inferences.

Cooperating Teacher/Field Supervisor Response:

·       All students were engaged throughout the class period, the lab was visual and hands-on.

1.c. Lesson Goals/Objectives.

What are the instructional goals/objectives for this observation?


·       The goal for this activity is for students to know that substances have chemical and physical properties and that substances may react chemically to form new substances.

Cooperating Teacher/Field Supervisor Response:

·       Students were to recognize physical properties and evidence of a chemical reaction. 

1.d: What resources will be used for the lesson (i.e. use of technology, printed materials, hands-on activities)



·       No technology is needed for this lesson and worksheets will be printed and provided to each student.  

Cooperating Teacher/Field Supervisor Response:

·       No technology was used, this was a lab.

1.e: Describe what you will do to provide summary and tie-together of the lesson at the end. How will you know the students have learned what you intended?


·       After class has cleaned up from the lab I and I have their attention, I will ask them to explain some of the reactions they observed and why they think one substance became extremely hot and the other cold (this should bring up the terms endo/exothermic which will be explained in greater detail next class meeting).

Cooperating Teacher/Field Supervisor:

·       Kelly asked the students to share their observations and conclusions verbally, this helped validate their findings.


Cluster 2: A Classroom Environment that Promotes Equity, Excellence, and Instruction:

2a: Creating an Environment of Respect and Rapport (Candidate Interaction with Students, Student Interaction)


·       I treat my students with fairness and respect. I try to make eye contact with every student, I walk around the room asking each student including ELL’s if they understand or need help and I try to get each student to answer at least one question during class discussions. I try to praise the class, I acknowledge/praise them for participating and giving correct answers.

·       Cooperating Teacher/Field Supervisor Response:


·       Kelly keeps good proximity with all students. She walks around the classroom monitoring the students.  She affirms their participation and corrects when needed.


2b: Establishing a Culture for Learning (Importance of Content, Quality of Student Work, Expectations for Learning and Achievement)



·       I consider everything being taught extremely important and since I take time to put together a high quality lesson, I expect my students to give high quality work. I explained to the students that they must answer in sentences rather than one word answers. This is so I can see if they are getting the concepts down. I know that each one the students are capable of handling any of the work and/or activities I provide to them or else I won’t give it to them.

Cooperating Teacher/Field Supervisor Response:

·       Kelly asked students to answer lab questions in sentences rather that single words – this is good because it requires students to use science vocabulary in writing.


2c: Managing Classroom Procedures (Management of Instructional Groups, Management of Transitions, Management of Materials)


·       I believe my transitions are smooth and my lessons seem to be right on target time wise. I kept a close eye on all students ensuring lab safety rules were being followed, i.e. wearing safety goggles. I was able to keep the distractions and unrelated talking down to a minimum.

Cooperating Teacher/Field Supervisor Response:

·       Kelly did well managing this lab.  The students were on task and followed along with the lab directions.  I would suggest Kelly speak louder and with more authority – “teacher voice” and also to make sure the students are not talking while she is giving directions or making a request.


2d: Managing Student Behavior (Expectations, Monitoring of Student Behavior, Response to Student Behavior)


·       Practice is always needed in this department and the only way to learn how to manage behavior is hands-on experience. For the most part I am able to manage the classroom in order to lecture. I call out those who are being disruptive by their name to get their attention back to me. At one time the class was really talkative and not listening to anything I was saying so I simply stopped talking and gave the teacher look. The class noticed it quickly, became silent and we moved on with the activity.

Cooperating Teacher/Field Supervisor Response:

·       Kelly was able to manage the class during lab well.  The students all complete the lab and when she needed to she called on students by name to get their attention. 


2e: Organizing Physical Space (Safety and Arrangement of Furniture, Accessibility to Learning and Use of Physical Resources)


·       Mrs. Lower has her room setup very efficiently. The tables are setup in a horseshoe which allows me to walk around the middle of the room to each student’s desk while lecturing or observing them. Students are able to stand up and walk around the class without tumbling or tripping as well. All safety material (fire extinguisher, wash station) is easily accessible. Safety rules were reviewed at the beginning of the activity and implemented throughout the class period.

Cooperating Teacher/Field Supervisor Response:

·       All safety equipment is easily accessible and Kelly has made herself aware of their location. 


Cluster 3: Instruction and Communication/Lesson Observation

3a: Communicating Clearly and Accurately (Directions and Procedures, Oral and Written Language)


·       I believe my lesson/activity was clear and accurate. The students were able to reflect and answer questions from the activity. I have learned that I must give step by step instructions to the class when I know the students should know. Safety precautions MUST be stressed to the students at all times. Class procedures are a piece of cake. Students know what they are supposed to do before, during and after class and I know what to expect from the students before, during, and after class.

Cooperating Teacher/Field Supervisor Response:

·       Kelly has become familiar with my classroom routine and knows how to get things ready for the class to begin smoothly. 

3b: Using Questioning and Discussion Techniques (Quality of Questions, Discussion Techniques, Student Participation) 


·       This lab activity allowed the students to mentally and verbally discuss answers. The lab provided observation, inferences, predictions and reflection questions for the students. I tried elaborating on observations buy discussing the terms qualitative and quantitative and I also tried to implement other chemical concepts like state of matter that the students have been learning and/or hearing.

Cooperating Teacher/Field Supervisor Response:

·       Kelly created good questions for students to answer while participating in the lab.  The questions were layered and guided students to the concept being taught via the lab.

3c: Engaging Students in Learning (Activities and Assignments, Grouping of Students, Instructional Materials and Resources, Structure and Pacing)


·       Lab activities are always engaging and fun the students so I think I had their attention as soon as I told them we were doing a lab. Mrs. Lower already has students separated into groups by learning and social abilities so I decided to keep those groups since we were had to be cautious of safety issues. My instructional materials seemed to be clear. Assignments align with students understanding of material.


Cooperating Teacher/Field Supervisor Response:

·       Kelly’s pacing was good she monitored students to see when they were ready to move onto the next step in the lab.  The student worked in groups of two which made it easy to manage. 

3d: Providing Feedback to Students (Quality: Accurate, Substantive, Constructive, and Specific; Timeliness)


·       I provide immediate feedback and assistance to each student in the class. I help each student by walking around to each table to question and evaluate their work and understanding. I provided guidance in helping them rather than giving answers. I made sure I gave accurate information by collaborating with Mrs. Lower and sometimes following her lead.

Cooperating Teacher/Field Supervisor Response:

·       Kelly routinely gives feedback to students by saying: yes, good, thank you after a student shares. 


3e: Demonstrating Flexibility and Responsiveness (Lesson Adjustment, Response to Students, Persistence).


·       I learn from my mistakes. I took what did and/or did not work with the first class and adjust my lesson for the second class in hopes of a more efficient learning environment.


Cooperating Teacher/Field Supervisor Response:

·       Kelly planned a good lesson and after first period she quickly adjusted for the next class to help smooth out the rough edges. 




Angelia D. Lower_____________                _Kelly Sandoval_______________

Cooperating Teacher                                    Candidate

_12/07/10__________________                    _12/07/10_____________________
















Write at least 5 observations of the ingredients in the Ziploc bag.





Using the pipette, place 1 drop of Phenol Red solution on the CaCl2 (Calcium Chloride) side of the bag.

Describe what happens.





Using the pipette again place 1 drop of Phenol Red solution on the NaHCO3 (Baking Soda) side of the bag.

Describe what happens.





Now mix the two ingredients together and describe what happens.





1.    What were the reactants in this activity?




2.    What was the product?






3.    What are the evidences that a chemical reaction has occurred?




4.    Which part of the reaction was exothermic/endothermic? Justify your answer.




Reflection of Lesson

How did the lesson go? The lesson was a success. The students showed an understanding of chemical reactions through the lab activity and my questioning. Students seemed engaged and eager to see what was going to happen when they mixed chemicals.

How was my planning? My planning went smoothly. I had great guidance and materials given to me by Mrs. Lower. I was able to call her for advice and to review material in order to be prepared as best as possible.

In what ways were the objectives met? Not met? All objectives were met and done through the chemical reaction lab acitivity.

What did the pre-assessment tell me about the students’ knowledge of this objective? The students had already been exposed to balancing equations so it helped both the class and myself understand the concept being studied.  

During the lesson, what worked? What didn’t work? Both classes were a success in delivering my lesson and objective. The only thing I needed to change for the next class was more detailed explanations of steps. Lab safety rules were implemented and followed creating a safe learning environment for everyone. 

What does the post-assessment tell me about the students’ mastery of the objectives? The post-assessment was an exit card which had them balance the equation of the substances the students had been working with in the lab. It allowed them to see how the mathematical balance of the equations connects with the actually mixing of chemicals.

What adjustments do I need to make for next time? I’m not sure if any adjustments needs to be done for next time. The only thing I really see is really explaining each step clearly to the class to prevent any accidents.

What effect did the grouping of students have? The students are already grouped by abilities and not next to those who would be distracting this way they are more likely to concentrate on the activity rather than gossiping with a friend.

What were the strong parts of the lesson? The engagement of the students in doing the activity and my ability to keep control of the class, time and safety rules.

Of what am I most proud of? Where do I show growth in my teaching? I am just proud the effort I put into my lesson and the ability to actually teach the information to the class. I am proud for engaging with my students and being a part of their learning. I show growth because I accept corrective criticism and able to apply the techniques and criticism to my lessons.